
Small steps are good…


ut lots of small steps are needed now!

Here on this planet to serve this planet.

If you're working towards a zero-waste life or if you’re simply looking to reuse or cut down on your waste, or even looking for products that contain ingredients you can pronounce and are safe to use (after all your body is a temple!). Yin & Bang is part of your solution!

There are some awesome people doing awesome things in the bathroom/personal care space when it comes to zero-waste. We wanted to tackle the items that didn’t have great plastic/waste-free alternatives to add to your zero-waste living arsenal.

The more we can reuse (fancy word coming) ‘precycle’ rather than recycle, the better.
Yes, jars and tins can all be recycled, however, producing those commodities in the first place is a massive expense to the environment let alone the process of recycling them. If we can use and re-use them over and over again, we are getting the most we possibly can out of that single commodity, minimising the need for new containers to be produced! Boom!

Refilling - An Achievable Dream

Starting here

Word-up for zero-waste living


A massive thanks and big props to Wrest Point Hotel and Boardwalk Cafe for going the extra mile to minimise their impact on the environment. They collect their used jars so we can continue their lifecycle at Yin & Bang! Chur

Wrestpoint logo.png

They believe!

 Stoked to be supporting good causes:

Watch this space as memberships grow and we collaborate and support environmental organisiations.