The Yin behind the Bang

We’re Soph & Ewie (aka Sewie), the instigators of Yin & Bang. It could be said that Ewan is the Yin (the calm and the brains) behind the scenes and Sophie the bang out front getting er done.. Either way, we are a great team if we can say so ourselves, and wanted to offer something bigger than our own beings to the world. An option to minimize plastics in areas where there isn’t much scope to do so. 

Pre pandemic, as outdoor professionals, we were immersed in oceans, from the Poles to the Equator, our memories of these magnificent places are littered with garbage. Post pandemic, we grasped this opportunity to not just less our personal waste but to offer a solution to our community.. the question was, is Tasmania ready to forgo their ‘convenient’ plastic containers and begin the refill legacy?

We set out to achieve what was often considered impossible or not worthy. Swimming to the surface to catch a breath, we were outdoor guides straight from a tent trying to enter a very saturated personal care market. We jumped hurdles and pushed against resistance from all angles, our learning curve.. steep.

We found a unique method to dispense and refill, and a unique way to engage our audience. Despite all the quiet or not so quiet naysayers, step by step, Yin & Bang came to life thanks to some deep-seated passion and a team of Tasmanian believers. Brendan, a metal fabricator we engaged to help build the stand questioned us, “What are you putting in these caulking guns?”, I answered hesitantly, ‘ Deodorant’. 

“Oh, like deodorant paste? I use deodorant paste”

We were Brendan’s client and now he was ours.

Whenever Brendan, or anyone else, refills with our product we imagine one less container entering landfills and oceans! And that is why we are busting ass.

We are Sewie and we have a bunch of ordinary extraordinary Tasmanians on our team striving to do good things. This is just the beginning.

Like what you see? or, Just want to make friends

Get in touch...

+61 47 2625926



PO Box 521

St Helens

Tasmania, 7216